Rose Theatre is the largest producing theatre in South West London, delivering world-class theatre, fully engaged with the local community.
In early 2024, it was home to our Music Poster timeline– curated by Kingston University Graphic Design student and Creative Youth intern, Josie Biggs, which illustrated the evolution of the design of the music poster; reflecting on shifts in aesthetics, commercialisation and technologies. In conversation with this, there was a display of Graphic Designer Sue Smallwood’s handmade promotional posters from her time as bassist in local, post-punk band, The Trudy.
You could also listen to the oral history testimonies of some of our local community members, as they reflect on the colourful musical history- as well as the future- of the area.
Our Music Poster timeline illustrates the evolution of the design of the music poster, reflecting on shifts in aesthetics, commercialisation and technologies.
Listen to audio clips from a small selection of the interviews conducted for the AMP Kingston project with local venue owners, gig goers and people involved with Creative Youth.
Welcome to AMPlify, the podcast from Creative Youth’s AMP Kingston heritage project, exploring art, music and pop fashion in the Kingston borough from the 1960s to the present day.