Help us reach our Defibrillator fundraising goal

21.10.2022  |  Creative Youth

We are currently fundraising for an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to place in our new creative space with the help of the wonderful charity AEDdonate.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest kills approximately 100,000 people a year in the UK.

AEDdonate is committed to improving survival from out of hospital cardiac arrests, supporting the placement and use of AED’s to local communities. This will help protect our local communities from the UK’s biggest killer, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

30,000 people die each year from out of hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), 620 of these are people under the age of 35 and 270 of these deaths happen to children within schools. If defibrillation takes place within the first three minutes of a SCA, the patient’s chances of survival increase by upwards of 80%.
Having the defibrillator installed means that it can be deployed by the local ambulance trust in a bid to give the patient the all-important shock to the heart prior to the ambulance arrival. The defibrillator is by no means a replacement to the ambulance service, it just allows patient treatment to commence immediately.

Any support will help propel us to our goal and is always appreciated, for more information please visit: