Webinar Archive

Oral Histories & Music Heritage

Join us in this webinar where Jarek, Rib and Tim delve into all things oral histories and how this intertwines with the world of music heritage.


  • Jarek Zaba (Middle)


  • Rib Davis (Left)
  • Tim Harrison (Right)

Jarek has worked with Creative Youth since its founding in 2008. He has volunteered at the festival and helped to coordinate a Press Team of young volunteers. Most recently he has worked as a heritage researcher on its Kingston RPM and AMP Kingston projects, exploring music history in the Kingston borough. Outside of heritage, Jarek is an audio production specialist, working on podcasts, radio, and audio drama.

Rib has been actively involved in the collection and dissemination of oral history for over 40 years, on projects ranging from books to exhibitions to websites to plays. As a freelancer he has worked with many organisations, including Age Exchange, Living Archive, The Lightbox and the BBC. He has also had over 60 scripts performed on radio, stage and television, 13 of which have been large-scale community documentary plays based upon oral histories. Rib Davis now spends much of his time training others, mainly on behalf of the British Library and the Oral History Society.

Tim has been a journalist all of his working life, writing for newspapers and magazines. He has also written several books, most recently ‘Hello Tolworth, I’m Ziggy’ – The Story of David Bowie and the history of the pub where it was staged. Tim also worked on the BBC’s Question Time programme for 18 years and, for the past 11 years, have edited Surbiton’s community newspaper, The Good Life.

You can listen to this episode of our podcast series by clicking on the in page media player below, the above Spotify link, or alternatively for a video recording of the session please click here.

Visit our page on Anchor our our Archive Webpage to listen to our full archive of webinar sessions.

So You Wanna Work in/Change the Arts is a podcast & webinar series produced by Creative Youth Charity. This series is part of CY’s wider Creative Talent Programme which offers artistic, strategic and business support to young emerging artists. Generously supported by Arts Council England.

Recorded on 16 February 2022.